Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Steps

Facebook is not enough. I love to post pictures of my family, events of the day, and the wonderful wildlife in my backyard but I am feeling limited as to what I can share so I am following in the footsteps of my daughter and daughter in law and trying my hand at blogging!

Now for a little bit about me. First of all, I am a Christian. There is no way I would be where I am today without the loving guidance of my Heavenly Father. I am in my fifties which doesn't seem possible when I am biking down to the park with my 10 and 12 year old. But they are my youngest boys and it seems more possible when I am looking at the beautiful granddaughters my oldest son and his wife have given me. I have seven children, 5 boys and 2 girls almost all grown. My husband and I live in our 17th house and run a music school that has been created piece by piece over 38 years, 31 of which I have been a participant in. Our life is sometimes chaotic, sometimes sweetly peaceful. I enjoy so many of  the wonderful day to day things God has blessed our lives with, that I want to share them with you. I want to tell you some of the amazing chapters we have been through and let you see a glimpse of my world as I see it. Welcome.


  1. Yay! Good for you, I don't believe you can ever have too many creative outlets! ;) And though I know most of previous chapters I look forward to your writings and the new chapters to come!

    Oh and don't forget your beautiful poetry - share that here too! You must! ;) *heart*

  2. Really neat Anita....enjoyed reading your blog. It just might inspire me to write a blog too. Danielle has one too in Switzerland.
