Kaitlin(http://www.homemakerdesign.ca/) ended our photo challenge with one last request: that we choose our favorite photo from the 30 days, tell why it is our favorite, and talk a little about how this photo challenge impacted us. So here goes:
This was definitely my favorite! It is a cool angle and a nice reflection of sun that just looks neat.
I learned through this photo challenge, that photography is an art medium I am interested in. Although I took some photos that were the normal tree scapes and people pictures, this particular one interested me because it was a different way of looking at a very common place thing. As I went through my days this last month, I had my eyes open for new angles, new techniques, new ways of looking at things. My camera is a point and shoot, but it has potential for so much more. I learned that too this month. Maybe someday I will buy a fancy shmancy camera but for now this one does plenty.
Maybe there is a message for me in all this too. Our lives are not as cut and dry as they may seem. We have so much potential to do big things for Christ but maybe we are just going around taking surface shots, just looking at whats comfortable and easy, not digging deep and looking at all the potential that is in ourselves and others.
I've learned this month, that when I'm taking pictures, I need to be more aware, more observant, and ready to stretch my horizons. I think I can apply that to life too.
"May Jesus our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever." Hebrews 13:21
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Day 30 of the Photo Challenge - Self Portrait
Self Portrait. There it is. This is by my back door....and my gray hair tied up in a pony tail because it was windy out this afternoon.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Day 29 of the 30 Day Photo Challenge - Black and White
Today for many photographers, black and white is an interesting way to look at the world in photos. There are always some baby shots and some wedding shots taken in black and white for those special occasions. Some photos are considered art and hang in museums or galleries.
To me, black and white photos remind me of the pictures in old photo books and small cardboard boxes, tucked away in my closet. They remind me of pictures that came in the mail from Holland when I was small.
We did not have a color camera when I was a young child and I remember the wonder of colored photos my married siblings brought home. There is a particular picture in my memory of maple trees along a road. I simply could not understand that all that glorious color could be captured on film.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Day 28 of the Photo Challenge - Flowers
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I wish these beautiful flowers were growing in my garden. |
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Instead they are blooming on this card I got for Easter from my mother-in-law. |
Day 27 of the Photo Challenge - From a Distance
This is the valley between two sections of roof on our home. The roof is tall and the distance is really quite far to the peek where these two sections meet. This morning on my perusings outside, I noticed how it looked a little like a road that leads off into the unknown. Life may seem like that sometimes, just a stretching in front of us with no clear direction and no idea where we will end up.
As Christians, we don't need to feel that uncertainty. In Proverbs 3:5,6 it tells us, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge God and He will direct your paths."
I'm glad I don't need to worry about what direction my life is taking. It is already under God's control.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Day 26 of The Photo Challenge - Close Up
Where it happens! The keys of my keyboard. |
Long before personal computers, I sat at one time, in a room full of girls and one or two boys, in front of large humming machines, called electric typewriters. Mrs. Johnson would quote off things for us to type or we would sit with books propped up in front of us, copying meticulously, the words on the page. We were quiet and the only sound would be her voice or the rhythmic ticking of fingers on keys. I never did well in that class. While others were obeying the rules, I was off in my own world doing this.
and on and on forever,
letters and more letters,
26 in all and filling up paper,
until my fingers ache
and I've typed out documents
and written letters
and learned to spell
and written a Civil Service exam
and became a secretary
for Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones and Bill Otto.
in my opinion it's a hassle
and I'd sooner write and put my poems on paper.
Ha. The musings of a 14 year old girl. I still have that paper tucked in a folder with all my other old poems. I wrote hundreds in typing class. I never became a secretary. Heck, I only got 65% in typing anyhow. I am however, glad I learned. This blog would be a whole lot harder if I hadn't! We have certainly come far!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Day 25 of the Photo Challenge - Something Pink.
A quick something pink. I have a headache that is increasing in intensity, so today they tell me I have a concussion. Good to know. Ahh well. It will pass! Here is your something pink, folks.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Day 24 of the Photo Challenge - Animal
Animals are not hard to find around here. The last three nights Patrick has captured a rabbit in his live trap. It apparently doesn't mind because when we set it free, it waits around to see if there is any more food. Coyotes slink through the back yard in the late evening on their way to who knows where. Turkeys (birds, not animals but still...) come to the bird feeder most mornings around 9:00 am. They seem to have a route plotted through our neighborhood. And squirrels? Too many to count, but we don't see too many chipmunks in the winter. However, Patrick found one this morning and it willingly ran down the drainpipe and into a pillow case. He caught it several times and then brought it inside to visit me. So here is my animal picture for today, courtesy of my 12 year old son.
First in the bag, then hanging out in our old aquarium but no worries, he is running around the back yard looking for seed again and also climbing back up the drainpipe.
Taking these pictures reminds me of what a wonderful God we serve and how diverse His creation is. Happy Sunday! Make yourself a tea and spend some extra time in the Scriptures today. It will lift you up!
First in the bag, then hanging out in our old aquarium but no worries, he is running around the back yard looking for seed again and also climbing back up the drainpipe.
Taking these pictures reminds me of what a wonderful God we serve and how diverse His creation is. Happy Sunday! Make yourself a tea and spend some extra time in the Scriptures today. It will lift you up!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Day 23 Photo Challenge - Sunflare
The sun is playing peek-a-boo behind the clouds today. In my kitchen, I have sun catchers made from old chandelier chimes. I was standing by the stove and the sun caught them just right for today's photo challenge!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Day 22 of the Photo Challenge - Hands
I was up earlier than usual this morning. I was in an accident on Monday and I am feeling it. Sore neck, shoulders, and a headache. I made a cup of tea and some toast. We are out of peanut butter and I wasn't the one getting groceries this week, since I wasn't up to it, so I had to do without.
I opened my Bible and decided to read from Isaiah. That went well for a few minutes until I found myself drifting. I must have slept for a little while but when I woke, my eyes fell on this verse.
Isaiah 41:10 "Do not fear, for I am with you, Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
And the thought crossed my mind, "Today's photo challenge is hands!" I am glad I belong to a God who cares so much about His people. I needed that verse. I am glad He upholds me with His righteous hand. I have a feeling I'm going to need it.
My hands are earthly but through them I can treat others and do for others, the things that Christ would have me do. They are not young any more and they have some flaws, but they can be beautiful when they are used for the right purposes.
I opened my Bible and decided to read from Isaiah. That went well for a few minutes until I found myself drifting. I must have slept for a little while but when I woke, my eyes fell on this verse.
Isaiah 41:10 "Do not fear, for I am with you, Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
And the thought crossed my mind, "Today's photo challenge is hands!" I am glad I belong to a God who cares so much about His people. I needed that verse. I am glad He upholds me with His righteous hand. I have a feeling I'm going to need it.
My hands are earthly but through them I can treat others and do for others, the things that Christ would have me do. They are not young any more and they have some flaws, but they can be beautiful when they are used for the right purposes.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Day 21 of The Photo Challenge - A Faceless Self Portrait
I woke this morning with a fuzzy picture idea in mind for today's photo. I got my camera and clicked a few photos. I wasn't sure I was happy with them and decided to go with something else.
I thought about this long and hard. Did I want to prop my camera up on a chair and carefully pose for a side view or a back view? Nah. Did I want to hold my camera at a weird angle and catch my 53 + body sitting against a backdrop of plants? Should I pose in front of the window?
In the end, after spending a lovely day with daughter and daughter-in-laws, grand kids,
and friends, I came home. I tried some shots here and there and decided to look at the pictures I took in the early light of day....and I went back to my original idea.
So there we are! A photo of my feet at 6:30 in the morning. I guess you would call it a partial self-portrait. I was so glad to see the sun and with my Bible and some pretty high lighters, and a cup of vanilla tea, I found my 'happy' place.
Hope your day was happy too, even though that sun was quick to hide behind gray clouds.
I thought about this long and hard. Did I want to prop my camera up on a chair and carefully pose for a side view or a back view? Nah. Did I want to hold my camera at a weird angle and catch my 53 + body sitting against a backdrop of plants? Should I pose in front of the window?
In the end, after spending a lovely day with daughter and daughter-in-laws, grand kids,
and friends, I came home. I tried some shots here and there and decided to look at the pictures I took in the early light of day....and I went back to my original idea.
So there we are! A photo of my feet at 6:30 in the morning. I guess you would call it a partial self-portrait. I was so glad to see the sun and with my Bible and some pretty high lighters, and a cup of vanilla tea, I found my 'happy' place.
Hope your day was happy too, even though that sun was quick to hide behind gray clouds.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Day 20 of the Photo Challenge - Bokeh
Once I figured out what Bokeh means, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokeh) I spent some time the other day trying to create the effect with my point and shoot. The settings are amazing. It took about 35 shots to get the one I am posting and it is not from today. I tried to take some pictures today, but my neck is sore and stiff from a car accident I had a couple of days ago, and apparently I have muscles I didn't even know about. I feel pretty good, just not good enough to take more photos. So here is the one from two days ago. Still an attempt at Bokeh, just not from today.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Day 19 of the Photo Challenge - Something Orange!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Day 18 of the Photo Challenge - My Shoes
I have shoes, probably 8 pairs, 3 of which are sneakers. I have a pair of 'sturdy' shoes too, and two pairs of boots, and some sandals....and I have these. I never wear them. They aren't all that comfortable, but they are cool and I know someday I will be going somewhere and hey, these will be the perfect shoes to wear...plus they are fun to look at!
Ephesians 6:14-16 tells us a bit about the kind of shoes God wants us to wear. It reads:
"Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one."
I pray the shoes of the gospel of peace fit your feet well, and you wear them proudly. Think about them the next time you go to the closet and grab a pair of shoes to wear out!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Ahh, School.
Tomorrow we hit the books again. March break has been lovely, even if it wasn't epic. We did a lot of plain old fun things, trips to the mall, visiting friends, eating out, having friends over. We baked goodies, relaxed with movies, and spent some cash on yo yos. All in all we are refreshed and ready for more constructive learning!
Photo Challenge 17 - Technology
There is so much technology around us today, that it is hard to decide what would best define it in a picture.
Here is a definition of the word from Wiki: The word technology refers to the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function.
Whew. Well that is clear as mud. Anyway, I got thinking about all the improvements that have been made since my mother first started keeping house. I think we've come a long way. I know my children have more conveniences than I had!
I wandered into the kitchen and found a picture that shows just a little of the advancements technology has made over the past century!
Here is a definition of the word from Wiki: The word technology refers to the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function.
Whew. Well that is clear as mud. Anyway, I got thinking about all the improvements that have been made since my mother first started keeping house. I think we've come a long way. I know my children have more conveniences than I had!
I wandered into the kitchen and found a picture that shows just a little of the advancements technology has made over the past century!
Three of the appliances that get a lot of use around here. The kettle, the refrigerator, and the microwave. |
Friday, March 15, 2013
Day 16...Long Exposure
We are talking long here, people! Not just the exposure on my photos, but the exposure to the constant sound of trucks reving up their engines, cars idling, horns beeping. There was an accident on a major highway near us today, a huge pile up, and traffic was rerouted past our house. It has been going on since before supper last night and it is still going on this morning. (The 16th).
I am not annoyed, I simply feel bad for all the people involved, those in the vehicles slowly crawling past our house, those sitting in cars at the scene that couldn't go anywhere for hours, those injured in the pile up.
I stood on my step a while and prayed for them all. Not a nice way to end March break. I imagine a lot of vehicles had tired, impatient children in them.
I am not annoyed, I simply feel bad for all the people involved, those in the vehicles slowly crawling past our house, those sitting in cars at the scene that couldn't go anywhere for hours, those injured in the pile up.
I stood on my step a while and prayed for them all. Not a nice way to end March break. I imagine a lot of vehicles had tired, impatient children in them.
A Transport |
a long row of cars |
Day 15...A Silhouette - Choices, choices.
Today's challenge was hard. I wasn't sure what to do. I tried several photos and messed around with the new Photo program my son found on line. As supper time approached, I also caught a lovely photo of my youngest daughter holding her nephew. The late sunshine streamed in and haloed light around their heads.
However, I really enjoyed the effects I tried with a photo of trees in our back yard. There was a white-out this afternoon and just before it hit, the sky was a wonderful mix of colors and the trees looked so beautiful silhouetted against it.
...and this is how they looked when I inverted them on the photo program. Cool eh?
However, I really enjoyed the effects I tried with a photo of trees in our back yard. There was a white-out this afternoon and just before it hit, the sky was a wonderful mix of colors and the trees looked so beautiful silhouetted against it.
...and this is how they looked when I inverted them on the photo program. Cool eh?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Day 14...Eyes!
So many eyes! Child eyes....I visited with my four beautiful grandchildren for the day today. Young women's eyes....two daughter-in-laws and a daughter were there too, drinking coffee, chatting, laughing. I could have captured so many tender looks, smiling eyes, caring eyes.
At home, my husband and boys waited with eager eyes to fill me in on their day.
But here I am now, ready for my photo shoot and all the eyes are elsewhere!
Wait...two eyes are looking at me. In the terrarium beside me, our frog, Stix gazes at me with a look that clearly says, "I'm watching you.You are the lady who feeds me crickets. Any moment you may stand up and hover one of those delicious leggy creatures over my head and I am so ready!"
Look closely at the eyes around you. They tell such stories. They speak louder than words.
Psalm 33:18 says, "Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who hope for His lovingkindness,"
As I was sitting here, I wasn't really thinking about eyes being on me, watching my every move, but there they were, just beside me.
God watches me too. I need to remember that, in all I say and do. Did I speak an unkind word? Did I let my attitude grow sour? Am I as diligent as I should be?
And how are my own eyes? Do others looking in them see Christ?
Matthew 6:22 reminds us, "“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light."
What do others see when they look in your eyes? Do they see defeat? Sorrow? Or do they see the reflection of the Savior who came to save us and walks with us daily.
Eyes...interesting subject.
At home, my husband and boys waited with eager eyes to fill me in on their day.
But here I am now, ready for my photo shoot and all the eyes are elsewhere!
Wait...two eyes are looking at me. In the terrarium beside me, our frog, Stix gazes at me with a look that clearly says, "I'm watching you.You are the lady who feeds me crickets. Any moment you may stand up and hover one of those delicious leggy creatures over my head and I am so ready!"
Psalm 33:18 says, "Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who hope for His lovingkindness,"
As I was sitting here, I wasn't really thinking about eyes being on me, watching my every move, but there they were, just beside me.
God watches me too. I need to remember that, in all I say and do. Did I speak an unkind word? Did I let my attitude grow sour? Am I as diligent as I should be?
And how are my own eyes? Do others looking in them see Christ?
Matthew 6:22 reminds us, "“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light."
What do others see when they look in your eyes? Do they see defeat? Sorrow? Or do they see the reflection of the Savior who came to save us and walks with us daily.
Eyes...interesting subject.
iPiccy About How My Pictures Turn Out!
For all you bloggers who miss Piknic, here is a great alternative. Unlike some other applications, it is all free and includes fun stuff like Clone, Mascara, Spray Tan and much more. My 14 year old found it for me! Have fun!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Day 13....A Picture of Me With 13 Things
Thirteen things...hmmm. Well I spent the day in Kingston with my two youngest boys and my mother-in-law. We left at 8:30 am. We had so much fun. We went to several second-hand stores, the mall, some home decor stores, and three restaurants. We got home late. We had tea and visited here. It is almost midnight....Oh my goodness! I forgot the photo challenge.
So this is me with 13 things. 13 minutes to midnight and a photo challenge to complete. A little different from my normal photos, but hey...I'm not all that photogenic to begin with and I'm worse at 13 minutes to midnight!
So this is me with 13 things. 13 minutes to midnight and a photo challenge to complete. A little different from my normal photos, but hey...I'm not all that photogenic to begin with and I'm worse at 13 minutes to midnight!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Day 12 Photo Challenge-A Sunset
It was dull and grey most of the day, but as evening approached, the clouds parted in the west and the sun peeked through. I was cooking supper and listening to the shouts of children outside soaking in the longer hours of daylight. I stood for a moment and looked at the sky. I am glad spring lies close on the horizon. I have missed the sun these long winter months and I am ready for a change from the gray hues of February and March.
This sunset was a brief promise of things to come. Soon we will sit in lawn chairs and swat the bugs as the sun settles slowly in the evening sky. For now, I will stand in the warmth of my kitchen and enjoy it from the window.
This sunset was a brief promise of things to come. Soon we will sit in lawn chairs and swat the bugs as the sun settles slowly in the evening sky. For now, I will stand in the warmth of my kitchen and enjoy it from the window.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Day 11 Something Blue
When September hits with all its glorious golds and browns and oranges, my fireplace mantel gets to be decorated in all the warm fall splendor. For three months we gaze on little pumpkins, Happy Thanksgivings and fall leaves.
By early December, I box away the fall things and for a couple of months the Christmas decorations rule. They are red and gold and beautiful and set a lovely festive tone.
But ahhh, then comes February and when all is gray and dull, I get out a special box with items wrapped in tissue and for the next 7 months we get to enjoy various arrangements of my favorite 'mantel wear', my blue green glass. Most of the pieces are nothing fancy but they are special because they brighten the room and do my heart good.
For now they are complimented by winter branches, but soon it will be pussy willows, apple blossoms or lily of the valley. In the summer they will display graceful Queen Anne's lace and brilliant golden rod, and just before I retire them for fall, they will hold pungent spicy purple asters.
By early December, I box away the fall things and for a couple of months the Christmas decorations rule. They are red and gold and beautiful and set a lovely festive tone.
But ahhh, then comes February and when all is gray and dull, I get out a special box with items wrapped in tissue and for the next 7 months we get to enjoy various arrangements of my favorite 'mantel wear', my blue green glass. Most of the pieces are nothing fancy but they are special because they brighten the room and do my heart good.
For now they are complimented by winter branches, but soon it will be pussy willows, apple blossoms or lily of the valley. In the summer they will display graceful Queen Anne's lace and brilliant golden rod, and just before I retire them for fall, they will hold pungent spicy purple asters.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Day 10 Part Two A Childhood Memory
Since I didn't actually take the pics for my part one of the photo challenge today, I thought I would throw these in as the official ones. These are pictures of a gravy ladle my mother bought in Holland shortly before she and my Dad and six children left for Canada. She was intrigued by the little maple leafs on the handle. Although it wasn't on our flag yet then, it was a symbol often used in military settings to represent Canada. My mother always used it but the main thing I remember is that it made the perfect size amount for pancakes. That is one of the things I like best when I use it too.
Day 10...A Childhood Memory-Thumbelina
I have so many childhood memories, and ask my kids, I love to share them. The other day, though, I ran across a memory I had all but forgotten. I was searching google images for a doll house I had purchased at Goodwill and I ran across this image.
It took me back to 1970. I was 11 and I had more dolls than any kid needs. Not only did I have dolls of my own, but I had several that had been handed down from older sisters. Most of them lived in a box under the bed. And frankly, they weren't as appealing to me anymore. Sometimes on a warm Sunday afternoon my friends, Jenny, Shirley, and I would haul them out on a blanket in the yard, but we were definitely growing up.
Then I saw an ad. It was in a flyer and I can't even remember for what store, but there was a picture of this doll named Thumbelina. The ad continued that when you pulled the string on her back, she wiggled and rolled over. I HAD to have one. I cut out the ad and placed it on the kitchen table. I talked about it a lot and pretended that my other cloth body doll, David, had the power to do these things. I begged. I pleaded. I played with all my dolls ceaselessly to prove I still loved dolls. As Christmas approached, I turned up the volume. I could see Mom was getting annoyed.
As time closed in, there was some whispering....Mom and Dad had been to town and there was a parcel under the tree with my name on it. It was bulky, about the right size, and they were both pretty excited. Dad kept teasing me. "You will love it!" "You can do all kinds of things with it." Mom smiled and said, "Dad picked it out. He is excited about it!" I was sure it was Thumbelina!
On Christmas Eve, the time we opened gifts at our house, I could hardly contain my excitement and joy. It seemed evening would never come. Finally Dad placed the gift in my hands and I eagerly tore off the paper. I was...stunned! This is what was in the package.
For a brief moment I hung suspended in space. My face burned, my hands went cold and then I saw my Dad's smile. I mustered up all my enthusiasm. I smiled, I opened the box. I pulled out the pieces and we put the thing together. For the next few weeks, I attempted to use it but it never really worked all that well. Eventually Dad and I managed to make a few half decent glasses.
I learned a lot that year. It is not all about us. It is more about the joy others have in giving. And even as a child of 11, I realized that we are not entitled to everything we want and if we watch closely we can see that the greater joy is in pleasing others. Dad went home to be with the Lord in 1999 and I miss him. He never knew I hated that bottle cutter and I'm glad.
Still, when I see Thumbelina in all her cuteness on Ebay, some part of me still wants her.
(Sorry, Kait. Again with the photos other than those I took myself. But I doctored these up a bit if that counts. :)
It took me back to 1970. I was 11 and I had more dolls than any kid needs. Not only did I have dolls of my own, but I had several that had been handed down from older sisters. Most of them lived in a box under the bed. And frankly, they weren't as appealing to me anymore. Sometimes on a warm Sunday afternoon my friends, Jenny, Shirley, and I would haul them out on a blanket in the yard, but we were definitely growing up.
Then I saw an ad. It was in a flyer and I can't even remember for what store, but there was a picture of this doll named Thumbelina. The ad continued that when you pulled the string on her back, she wiggled and rolled over. I HAD to have one. I cut out the ad and placed it on the kitchen table. I talked about it a lot and pretended that my other cloth body doll, David, had the power to do these things. I begged. I pleaded. I played with all my dolls ceaselessly to prove I still loved dolls. As Christmas approached, I turned up the volume. I could see Mom was getting annoyed.
As time closed in, there was some whispering....Mom and Dad had been to town and there was a parcel under the tree with my name on it. It was bulky, about the right size, and they were both pretty excited. Dad kept teasing me. "You will love it!" "You can do all kinds of things with it." Mom smiled and said, "Dad picked it out. He is excited about it!" I was sure it was Thumbelina!
On Christmas Eve, the time we opened gifts at our house, I could hardly contain my excitement and joy. It seemed evening would never come. Finally Dad placed the gift in my hands and I eagerly tore off the paper. I was...stunned! This is what was in the package.
For a brief moment I hung suspended in space. My face burned, my hands went cold and then I saw my Dad's smile. I mustered up all my enthusiasm. I smiled, I opened the box. I pulled out the pieces and we put the thing together. For the next few weeks, I attempted to use it but it never really worked all that well. Eventually Dad and I managed to make a few half decent glasses.
I learned a lot that year. It is not all about us. It is more about the joy others have in giving. And even as a child of 11, I realized that we are not entitled to everything we want and if we watch closely we can see that the greater joy is in pleasing others. Dad went home to be with the Lord in 1999 and I miss him. He never knew I hated that bottle cutter and I'm glad.
Still, when I see Thumbelina in all her cuteness on Ebay, some part of me still wants her.
(Sorry, Kait. Again with the photos other than those I took myself. But I doctored these up a bit if that counts. :)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Day 9 Someone I Love
I had to post an old picture for this one since this person is no longer here with us. I love her though and I know someday I will see her again.
She probably influenced me more than any other person I've ever known. I think of her every day. If you look at the family resemblance you will probably figure out that she's my mom.
I posted this because this is one of the people I love the most, but I also chose to post an old picture because how do I choose who else to post pictures of? There are so many. I have wonderful siblings that I could post pictures of. I have a great mother in law and other inlaws. I could post a picture of my husband or any of my seven children. I could post pictures of my children in law or our new son-in-law to be. I have beautiful grandchildren and one arriving soon. I have neighbors and friends....such a long list. I am blessed!
She probably influenced me more than any other person I've ever known. I think of her every day. If you look at the family resemblance you will probably figure out that she's my mom.
I posted this because this is one of the people I love the most, but I also chose to post an old picture because how do I choose who else to post pictures of? There are so many. I have wonderful siblings that I could post pictures of. I have a great mother in law and other inlaws. I could post a picture of my husband or any of my seven children. I could post pictures of my children in law or our new son-in-law to be. I have beautiful grandchildren and one arriving soon. I have neighbors and friends....such a long list. I am blessed!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Day 8... A Bad Habit
Three photos, one bad habit! I *blush* am a stasher. My kids know this. I can prepare a house for a showing or company, faster than you can count to 100. There are so many cool hiding places! Under the couch...great for board games, newspapers, socks, etc. Kitchen junk drawer...great for anything that will fit and still let the drawer close, bins....great to load up and stash in my bedroom closet. The list goes on. As you can see, prior to anyone coming, our bed and the kitchen table are also great places for piling stuff. (That laundry is clean, its the putting away that kills me.)
At some point however, things need to be brought out in the open and put away. I plug away at this bit by bit. I sit crosslegged on the floor in my bedroom and sort through bins of crayons and soap carvings, drawings and toys, tools and craft supplies. And I think....this habit of mine is a little like sin.
He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion. Proverbs 28:13
My spiritual health can too be plagued by 'stashing'...by tucking little things that 'don't really matter' into corners of my heart. At some point I need to look them square in the eye and confess them, correct them, clean them out.
I am doing pretty good at conquering this physical stashing habit. Once all the kids are grown and gone, I'm sure I will have figured it out. The spiritual one however, won't be completed until I step into the presence of Christ. And I am thankful that He is willing to do the cleansing.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Day 7 Fruit! Yes, I Have No Bananas...
When I saw that today's photo challenge was fruit, I thought about that old song, "Yes, we have no bananas."
1. There's a fruit store on our street,
It's run by a Greek.
And he keeps good things to eat
But you should hear him speak.
When you ask him anything
He never answers "No."
He just "Yesses" you to death,
And as he takes your dough,
He tells you:
YES! We have no bananas,
We have no bananas today.
We've string beans and HON-ions,
Cab-BAH-ges and scallions
And all kinds of fruit, and say
We have an old fashioned to-MAH-to,
Long Island po-TAH-to,
But YES! We have no bananas.
We have no bananas today.
2. Business got so good with him
He wrote home to say:
"Send me Pete and Nick and Jim,
I need help right away."
When he got them in the store,
There was fun, you bet!
Someone asked for "Sparrow grass,"
And the whole quartet
All answered:
words & music: Frank Silver & Irving Cohn
copyright: 1923 Skidmore Music Co. Inc.
Haven't you ever wondered what the rest of the words were to that song? Now you know!
And here is a picture of some fruit, and yes, I have bananas!
1. There's a fruit store on our street,
It's run by a Greek.
And he keeps good things to eat
But you should hear him speak.
When you ask him anything
He never answers "No."
He just "Yesses" you to death,
And as he takes your dough,
He tells you:
YES! We have no bananas,
We have no bananas today.
We've string beans and HON-ions,
Cab-BAH-ges and scallions
And all kinds of fruit, and say
We have an old fashioned to-MAH-to,
Long Island po-TAH-to,
But YES! We have no bananas.
We have no bananas today.
2. Business got so good with him
He wrote home to say:
"Send me Pete and Nick and Jim,
I need help right away."
When he got them in the store,
There was fun, you bet!
Someone asked for "Sparrow grass,"
And the whole quartet
All answered:
words & music: Frank Silver & Irving Cohn
copyright: 1923 Skidmore Music Co. Inc.
Haven't you ever wondered what the rest of the words were to that song? Now you know!
And here is a picture of some fruit, and yes, I have bananas!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Day 6 and a Perspective From a Low Angle
When your son is 6 foot 6, taking his picture is usually a low angle shot. For this picture, however, I laid myself down on the kitchen floor! Besides being pretty high up there, he also ranks pretty high in my book as being a great son. I was glad to have him home for March Break.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Day 5 From a High Angle!
So I am 5'10 1/2 and looking down at my toes would be high if you were only, say, 4'11. I wanted to take a picture of railroad tracks below the overpass in Brockville, but hey, this is good too.
When I was just a bit younger these feet ran across rail fences like they were a sidewalk and climbed the tallest trees. They biked for miles around the country side. They carried me swiftly where ever I wanted to go. Lately I notice they are not quite so agile. I know that as I grow older their pace will slow. However, there is a verse in Scripture that talks about feet, which I like.
Psalm 18:33 reads, 'He makes my feet like hinds' feet, And sets me upon my high places.'It is a comfort to know that while my fleshly feet will someday stumble and become weak, my spiritual feet will remain strong and God will continue to set me on high places as I walk in His way.
When I was just a bit younger these feet ran across rail fences like they were a sidewalk and climbed the tallest trees. They biked for miles around the country side. They carried me swiftly where ever I wanted to go. Lately I notice they are not quite so agile. I know that as I grow older their pace will slow. However, there is a verse in Scripture that talks about feet, which I like.
Psalm 18:33 reads, 'He makes my feet like hinds' feet, And sets me upon my high places.'It is a comfort to know that while my fleshly feet will someday stumble and become weak, my spiritual feet will remain strong and God will continue to set me on high places as I walk in His way.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Day 3 and 4...cause yesterday was busy!
Clouds and 'M' birds Day 3 |
...and something green and lovely. |
For my something green, (Day 4) I took a picture of a little green canister that sits beside my stove. I love it and its purple and gold siblings. I bought them at Goodwill for a song. (That means cheap!) They make me happy whenever I finish cleaning my kitchen and I stand back and look at their shiny selves.
This morning I awoke to a dull gray early morning and I got out my Bible and made my tea, but I went to bed late (3:30 late) last night and I felt kind of blah. After polishing off the book of James and some prayer time, I felt better. Good enough to take these pictures and ready to start my day!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Day 2
Keeping on with my daughter in-laws 30 day photo challenge, I had to post something I wore today. Since I usually wear jeans, I am just posting a picture of my neckline. I wore a green summer top I love, but topped it with a black sweater and a necklace that was a wedding gift from my hubby.
And yes, I messed with 'PicMonkey' to tidy things up a bit, but I like the effect.
Keeping on with my daughter in-laws 30 day photo challenge, I had to post something I wore today. Since I usually wear jeans, I am just posting a picture of my neckline. I wore a green summer top I love, but topped it with a black sweater and a necklace that was a wedding gift from my hubby.
And yes, I messed with 'PicMonkey' to tidy things up a bit, but I like the effect.
30 Days of Photos...I Hope
My daughter-in-law over at http://www.homemakerdesign.ca/ is holding a 30 day photo challenge. She knows me pretty well, so like me, I'm sure she will be surprised if I make it to the end without procrastinating a little, but here goes. I actually chose an older photo of myself for the first challenge. I like it. It isn't fancy or gorgeous but it has a lot of 'me' in it and I am outside, the place I love best. There you go!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Twenty Days Til Spring!
The sun just came out. After several days of snow it is a welcome change. The urge to write is not strong lately. That comes more on early spring mornings when the world around us is bursting into new life. Right now, I sit hunched over my computer in a cozy sweater, drinking a cup of tea. The page in front of me looks daunting. But part of the purpose of having a blog is to chronicle life's events as they happen, so here I go.
The latest event in our lives is a sad one. Beatrix, our daughter's 27 pound bunny, didn't look so well this week. She seemed to be weak in her hind legs. Two days ago we went out to feed her and found her laying stretched out in a corner of her cage. Sometime during the day she had passed away. We will miss her. She was with us for almost seven years.
I am trying to decide what to make for lunch. We always have pizza on Friday nights so that will be easy. I begin however, to long for fresh garden food this time of year, juicy ripe tomatoes, fresh green leaf lettuce, those little carrots, just washed, still warm from the earth, yellow wax beans with loads of butter. And of course first will come the rhubarb, long reddish stalks cooked with a little sugar, sour enough to turn your face inside out. Soon....
For my devotional time, I am reading from Jeremiah and Matthew lately. I keep notes on what I learn in a green journal. I am also enjoying a book by Ruth Graham called, 'A Legacy of Love, Things I learned From My Mother'. She is the daughter of Ruth Graham Bell. I love hearing about how other people struggle and triumph in their daily living and about how God sustains them through it all.
I bought myself a doll house at Goodwill last night. It is made of cardboard and plastic, probably from the 1980s. The name on the front says Caroline's Home. There was only a little furniture with it and the windows were popped out but still present. With a little TLC it will make a nice display and a great playtoy for when the granddaughters visit. I already have quite a collection of furniture so it will be fun to fix things up.

In homeschool news, we are doing fine this year. We could always do more, but we are accomplishing lots and enjoying ourselves. Other than the usual Math, Language, Spelling, Health, History, Science stuff, we are watching two shows, Market Warriors and Antiques Roadshow. The boys love going to Goodwill and checking out the goods. I think we will go to some auction sales in the spring....just for the experience!
They are however, anxious for warmer weather. Soon the snow will melt and the bikes will come out of the shed.
So that is a little of what is going on here at our house. Nothing artistic about this blog post, just a plain ol' up date! Hello to all of you in blogland. How is your winter going?
The latest event in our lives is a sad one. Beatrix, our daughter's 27 pound bunny, didn't look so well this week. She seemed to be weak in her hind legs. Two days ago we went out to feed her and found her laying stretched out in a corner of her cage. Sometime during the day she had passed away. We will miss her. She was with us for almost seven years.
I am trying to decide what to make for lunch. We always have pizza on Friday nights so that will be easy. I begin however, to long for fresh garden food this time of year, juicy ripe tomatoes, fresh green leaf lettuce, those little carrots, just washed, still warm from the earth, yellow wax beans with loads of butter. And of course first will come the rhubarb, long reddish stalks cooked with a little sugar, sour enough to turn your face inside out. Soon....
For my devotional time, I am reading from Jeremiah and Matthew lately. I keep notes on what I learn in a green journal. I am also enjoying a book by Ruth Graham called, 'A Legacy of Love, Things I learned From My Mother'. She is the daughter of Ruth Graham Bell. I love hearing about how other people struggle and triumph in their daily living and about how God sustains them through it all.
I bought myself a doll house at Goodwill last night. It is made of cardboard and plastic, probably from the 1980s. The name on the front says Caroline's Home. There was only a little furniture with it and the windows were popped out but still present. With a little TLC it will make a nice display and a great playtoy for when the granddaughters visit. I already have quite a collection of furniture so it will be fun to fix things up.

In homeschool news, we are doing fine this year. We could always do more, but we are accomplishing lots and enjoying ourselves. Other than the usual Math, Language, Spelling, Health, History, Science stuff, we are watching two shows, Market Warriors and Antiques Roadshow. The boys love going to Goodwill and checking out the goods. I think we will go to some auction sales in the spring....just for the experience!
They are however, anxious for warmer weather. Soon the snow will melt and the bikes will come out of the shed.
So that is a little of what is going on here at our house. Nothing artistic about this blog post, just a plain ol' up date! Hello to all of you in blogland. How is your winter going?
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