Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 21 of The Photo Challenge - A Faceless Self Portrait

I woke this morning with a fuzzy picture idea in mind for today's photo. I got my camera and clicked a few photos. I wasn't sure I was happy with them and decided to go with something else.

I thought about this long and hard. Did I want to prop my camera up on a chair and carefully pose for a side view or a back view? Nah. Did I want to hold my camera at a weird angle and catch my 53 + body sitting against a backdrop of plants? Should I pose in front of the window?

 In the end, after spending a lovely day with daughter and daughter-in-laws, grand kids,
and friends, I came home.  I tried some shots here and there and decided to look at the pictures I took in the early light of day....and I went back to my original idea.

So there we are! A photo of my feet at 6:30 in the morning. I guess you would call it a partial self-portrait. I was so glad to see the sun and with my Bible and some pretty high lighters, and a cup of vanilla tea, I found my 'happy' place.

Hope your day was happy too, even though that sun was quick to hide behind gray clouds.


  1. I took my pic and then went to make my post when I saw your picture and thought, "oh right..." soo we ended up with a similar theme! ;) (that whole great minds think alike thing ;) lol!) I'm so jelous that you caught the sun today...hoping for some more tomorrow!! :) (oh yes, and I love your purple and pink high-lighting!!)

  2. That is a coincidence..same theme. The feet part...that is usually what I look like! So nice you had a fun day visiting.

    I had to pull my original photo of bananas...because I could see my cup and toothbrush behind I usually brush my teeth in the kitchen as my daughter lives in the bathroom in the morning :)

  3. Eventually my one son and his wife will be raising pigs. They just bought a house with some land. I have a small second refrigerator, but I am thinking a freezer would've been handier!

  4. I think this is a great picture. A morning quiet time before the craziness of the day. Glad you had a great day with your family & friends. :)
