Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 3 and 4...cause yesterday was busy!

Clouds and 'M' birds Day 3

...and something green and lovely.
Okay, so maybe Kaitlin ( had something a bit more nature themed in mind for Day 3 and 4 of her photo challenge. However, yesterday was busy and I wasn't home much. Today I meant to catch up, but the sky is full of not just a few clouds, but a solid light gray mass of clouds, which would have made a pretty boring picture, so to make you smile, I drew you some clouds instead...and of course some 'M' birds because pictures of clouds always deserve 'M' birds!

For my something green, (Day 4) I took a picture of a little green canister that sits beside my stove. I love it and its purple and gold siblings. I bought them at Goodwill for a song. (That means cheap!) They make me happy whenever I finish cleaning my kitchen and I stand back and look at their shiny selves.

This morning I awoke to a dull gray early morning and I got out my Bible and made my tea, but I went to bed late (3:30 late) last night and I felt kind of blah. After polishing off the book of James and some prayer time, I felt better. Good enough to take these pictures and ready to start my day!


  1. Ha! That is made me smile!
    never heard of "for a song"...good to know...nice way of putting it!

  2. Haha, this is good - and yes, the M birds are a perfect touch!! I was fortunate when I went out and found a break in teh clouds and thus got my picture. I like your canisters too! Glad you are feeling better for the day! :) ♥

  3. Hi! That is great you can use that lesson plan. I enjoyed reading up on that. I was googling, and found out a farm not too far from here started back delivery milk and some other products from their farm! (expensive though). I bet it tastes better then my milk though!
