The latest event in our lives is a sad one. Beatrix, our daughter's 27 pound bunny, didn't look so well this week. She seemed to be weak in her hind legs. Two days ago we went out to feed her and found her laying stretched out in a corner of her cage. Sometime during the day she had passed away. We will miss her. She was with us for almost seven years.
I am trying to decide what to make for lunch. We always have pizza on Friday nights so that will be easy. I begin however, to long for fresh garden food this time of year, juicy ripe tomatoes, fresh green leaf lettuce, those little carrots, just washed, still warm from the earth, yellow wax beans with loads of butter. And of course first will come the rhubarb, long reddish stalks cooked with a little sugar, sour enough to turn your face inside out. Soon....
For my devotional time, I am reading from Jeremiah and Matthew lately. I keep notes on what I learn in a green journal. I am also enjoying a book by Ruth Graham called, 'A Legacy of Love, Things I learned From My Mother'. She is the daughter of Ruth Graham Bell. I love hearing about how other people struggle and triumph in their daily living and about how God sustains them through it all.
I bought myself a doll house at Goodwill last night. It is made of cardboard and plastic, probably from the 1980s. The name on the front says Caroline's Home. There was only a little furniture with it and the windows were popped out but still present. With a little TLC it will make a nice display and a great playtoy for when the granddaughters visit. I already have quite a collection of furniture so it will be fun to fix things up.

In homeschool news, we are doing fine this year. We could always do more, but we are accomplishing lots and enjoying ourselves. Other than the usual Math, Language, Spelling, Health, History, Science stuff, we are watching two shows, Market Warriors and Antiques Roadshow. The boys love going to Goodwill and checking out the goods. I think we will go to some auction sales in the spring....just for the experience!
They are however, anxious for warmer weather. Soon the snow will melt and the bikes will come out of the shed.
So that is a little of what is going on here at our house. Nothing artistic about this blog post, just a plain ol' up date! Hello to all of you in blogland. How is your winter going?
Nothing artistic. I guess but honest - I think this is one of my favourite posts of yours in a long time! Keep writing from your heart that's what I love to read!! I can't wait for Spring either!!
ReplyDeleteSorry about the bunny....that will be happening to our 10 year old brown bunny soon...he is now blind in one eye...very geriatric!
ReplyDeleteNice dollhouse....I always wanted one like that when I was little...of course they were tin back then. I saw some somewhere...can't even remember...but didn't buy.
I just made onion rings..and your thoughts of veggies are making me crave something healthy right now! :)
Nice to hear a little update on your day. I miss visiting with you and a cup of tea. Sad about Bea...but she had a good bunny life.