Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 20 of the Photo Challenge - Bokeh

Once I figured out what Bokeh means, ( I spent some time the other day trying to create the effect with my point and shoot. The settings are amazing. It took about 35 shots to get the one I am posting and it is not from today. I tried to take some pictures today, but my neck is sore and stiff from a car accident I had a couple of days ago, and apparently I have muscles I didn't even know about.  I feel pretty good, just not good enough to take more photos. So here is the one from two days ago. Still an attempt at Bokeh, just not from today.


  1. Now I am educated in that! My one son really enjoys doing that. Hope your soreness goes away quick!

  2. Okay, good excuse, I'll let it go THIS time! ;) ♥ Nice picture - almost makes me forget about all that snow out there... :P

  3. Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you get feeling better soon. Love the bright colour of the flowers.
