Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ahh, The Garden

Gardens are a big part of my life. From early on in my childhood, I realized the importance of owning and working a little plot of earth. As a child, it seemed that the purpose of a garden was to grow food for a family. As I neared adulthood, I realized it was much more. Gardens give us a reason to be outside in nature. The turning of the soil is therapeutic, symbolic of a fresh start, new hope for growth. And I think in all of us, there is a pull back to the land, some desire planted in us by God, reminiscent of that first garden long ago.

And so, once the full moon in May has passed, and the earth feels warm enough to the touch, I find myself out in the yard with several of my children around me, dropping seeds into trenches, patting soil around tomato plants, gently transplanting flowers.

Thank you God, for this bit of beauty I can help prepare, and for the pleasure it gives me and my family.


  1. :-) I feel much the same way about my gardens ~ flower and vegetable. I spend a lot of time talking to the Lord while tending the gardens too.

  2. Things are starting to look great in your garden. I find gardening is good for the soul. A lot of thinking goes on while I am playing in the dirt :-)

  3. Hi, Anita! Gardens do bring us so much joy! I love your garden plot. Is that rhubarb growing along the side?

    Have a wonderful day!


    1. Yes, that is Rhubarb and the middle plants are overgrown raspberries :)

  4. Sigh...I can't have a "real" garden until i have more sun...maybe my older age will have a garden like yours.

    I think with all the world's materialism, it is especially important to see nature, and feel God's creation. Maybe that is why so many people are gardening!

  5. Ha...I have a bad habit of crowding my garden so much, there is no room for weeds. I think I'd like to retire to a house with a small backyard that is flat and half-sunny so I can have a garden on half, and a tree to sit under on the other half :)

    1. I will come join you. We can sit and sip tea and you can bake something nice. We will discuss our children and grandchildren and pray together before I leave!

  6. Lovely photos - I like the new header too! I hope this day brings you joy! ♥ :)

  7. Hi Anita! I hope you are having a good weekend. Your daughter and daughter-in-law's blogs are so nice...so nice to see young people and their joy over their cute kids! And your grandchildren...

    Yes, I have to remember to pray more...thanks for your example. I go to church each morning, but I have to remember to pray more at home also!

  8. Hi. I'm trimming my front bushes today, and some on the side yard, the side yard has thorns.
    I am sweating! I really hate to sweat. I think if I ever move, I don't want bushes!
