Monday, May 6, 2013

Walk This Way

I went for a long walk this morning. It has been three days since I took a good brisk turn around the subdivision. Then I came home and made a cup of tea and settled down to a book that my daughter left laying on the coffee table in the family room. It is called, 'Having A Mary Spirit', by Joanna Weaver. I have read her other book, 'Having a Martha Heart' too and enjoyed it. This one focuses on allowing God to change us from the inside out. In one of the chapters she refers to our weak, giving in selves as 'Flesh Woman'. She points out that we need to conquer Flesh Woman by walking in the Spirit. I love the verse she quotes:'Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word. You are good and do good. Teach me Your statutes.' Psalm 119:67 and 68.
I need to stick that verse up somewhere in my kitchen where I can see it often. Too often I give in to unhealthy eating habits, I let my thoughts wander and begin to doubt His promises, I am weak. I want to walk strong and live my life in a way that is pleasing to God. 

The weather was lovely today, so lovely that I gave in to some pretty creative pleading and let my 12 year old go off down the road to hunt frogs instead of hauling out the math book. Apparently the cops were on patrol in the area. One of them stopped a few feet from my barefoot boy and called him over.

 "Son, where are your shoes?"

"Probably in the closet." 

"Why aren't you in school?"

"Because I'm homeschooled and my mother thought it would be a good day for hunting frogs."

Patrick says the officer smiled and sent him on his way. 

Don't worry, though Officer. After he came home and we washed the mud off, he finished all his school work.


  1. How nice of the officer to appreciate your son hunting frogs! (ha...I can imagine your son's "creative pleading".

    I could use a couple good sermons on Martha and Mary!

  2. Sometimes there's a better lesson in hunting frogs, than there is in a textbook! Sounds like a very good book.

  3. I am sure that police officer would have rather gone frog hunting himself...or at least throw in a line.

    I like to think we all have a big part of Mary in us, sadly in our busy days we allow Martha to take over. Somedays I feel bad thinking I sat and read the Bible instead of more cleaning.
    blessings, jill

  4. Patrick cracks me up! Glad he got a little frog hunting in before having to go inside. :)
