Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rain and the Cozy....

Yesterday it was bright and sunny. I spent the morning wandering the neighborhood looking at leaves and blue sky....but I forgot my camera. In the afternoon we headed to my brother-in-law and his wife's cottage to close up for the winter. This time I put my camera in my purse and smiled at the thought of all the pictures I would get for my blog, but the rain came...first dull grey sky, then light rain and cold. And it has rained since. My back yard 'forest' is almost bare. The lovely golds and oranges have given way to different shades of gray and ...well, just blah. I can see the houses in the back subdivision again through the naked branches.

I do, however, want to make the best of it. I have candles burning, lovely music by Sara Groves on the CD player, good food cooking. It is cozy here. The rain is good in that it nudges me to stay in where it is warm and do things that make the house comforting and appealing for all the people that live here or pop in.

When we did our Sunday Bible time this morning, I thought about how our Christian lives are sometimes like the weather. We go through sunshine and light but God also allows us to experience times when things seem very dull and grey, when troubles come like rain, and our spiritual sky is not blue. We could wallow in the self pity of despondency, or we can seek the 'cozy'. Read the Bible more, spend extended times in prayer, listen to encouraging music. I know there are times when none of this seems enough and we need to allow a time of grief and sorrow but I mean more, the times that we can give into sin or seek the higher ground.

Next time you have a bit of a blue day spiritually, ask yourself if you can enter into the 'cozy' and become stronger because of it.

And what is a blog without pictures? So here are a few for you!

Our front porch sign

Asters. Yes these grow in my flower bed. They are my birth flower and absolutely beautiful!

....all the sumacs on the hill, have changed their green to red!

Tea anyone? I love the sun shining on my cups in the morning. Makes me want tea.

Nice smelly stuff on my coffee table.

..and a last visit to the cottage.

The gate to woods that seem endless.


  1. Nice post! Good words to ponder! Thank you. :) I like Asters, I didn't know they were your birth month flower! Neat!!

  2. Lovely, mom. And I love how you are intentional about "seeking higher ground" when those rainy times come rather than just giving in to the gloom.
