The snow lays deep and silent... |
The sky is chilled and gray... |
The birds that graced my garden.. |
Have swiftly flown away. |
The tire swing hangs idle... |
The yard is still and white. |
Thank goodness for the Christmas Time |
That makes our whole world bright. |
I just shoveled the driveway and it was cold outside! I went outside before most of the household was up to get a headstart before everyone left for work. At first, I grumbled a bit. "Winter. Blah." Then I noticed how still and quiet everything was. I prayed as I shoveled, for my family, for my sister who's husband is in hospital, for her family, for the neighbors, for my son at college, for my in-laws. By the time I was done, I felt wonderful. So wonderful, in fact, that I grabbed my camera so I could share some of it with you.
Isn't Christmas a special time? What a great God we serve. I think the secret in attitude change this morning, was that I called on Him and took my focus off my own little life and all its problems and thought about others.
"Let the glory of the Lord endure forever; Let the Lord be glad in His works; He looks at the earth and it trembles, He touches the mountains and they smoke. I will sing to the Lord as long as I live, I will sing praises to my God while I have my being." Psalm 104:31-33
I like your picture poem! Very nice! Great scripture verse too!!! Yay for a white Christmas!