New beginnings....January always sparks something fresh in me. Some of my favorite weather days are those ridiculously bright ones when the sky is brilliant blue and the snow sparkles like bits of glass. I know its cold, but on a day like that I can stay outside almost forever and trudge through the fields and woods, dressed for it of course.
I can feel the coming of spring somewhere in the distance and it lures me to peruse seed catalogs, repot my plants, and do laundry. Yep, those sheets need washing even if I can't hang them on the line. I polish and dust and vacuum and then....ah, its still cold out and not a robin in site. Maybe I get a little ahead of myself. But I think the sun does that to a person. Makes us happy after long stretches of dull days. Gives us energy. That brightness produces January Joy. And if you read way back there in my posts somewhere, you will remember that 'joy' is one of my very most 'favoritest' words.
The sun can produce a temporary physical joy that drags us up out of the everyday and gives us a new lease on life....for a while.
There is however, a more permanent joy that is always available to us. God has not promised us a perfect life with everything smoothly in place, but He has promised us that if we trust Him in all we do, He will give us joy even in hard times.
Draw a little closer to Him this year. Read the Bible a little more. Pray a little harder. Rest in God's love. Feel the joy God gives so freely.
Psalms 63:5-7 My soul will be satisfied and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I
remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the
night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will
sing for joy.