Thursday, August 28, 2014

My Favorite Season, Just Around the Corner!

Indian Summer

Along the line of smoky hills
The crimson forest stands
And all the day the bluejay calls
Throughout the autumn lands.

Now by the brook the maple leans,
With all her glory spread,
And all the sumacs on the hill
Have turned their green to red.

Now by great marshes wrapped in mist
Or past some rivers mouth,
Throughout the long cold autumn days,
Wild birds are flying south.

William Wilfred Campbell

Indian Summer

Along the line of smoky hills
The crimson forest stands,
And all the day the blue-jay calls
Throughout the autumn lands.

Now by the brook the maple leans
With all his glory spread,
And all the sumachs on the hills
Have turned their green to red.

Now by great marshes wrapt in mist,
Or past some river's mouth,
Throughout the long, still autumn day
Wild birds are flying south.
- See more at:

Friday, August 22, 2014

A Review and Fall at the Door

First a review that is long overdue. I have received some amazing books from B & H publishing. One of them is going to be a resource for our home school in the fall. It is called, 'Illustrated Bible Survey' and is authored by Ed Hinson and Elmer L. Towns. It gives an indepth overview of the Bible and is full of maps and illustrations. There are some beautiful photographs too and the book is written in easy to understand format with good detail. I would recommend it for anyone that wants to get a good background on the Bible that is user friendly. It would be an excellent tool for students, families, and pastors.

Fall is arriving quickly. The nights are cool and the top of my maple is beginning to change color. We wear sweaters when we go walking or at least bring them along. My garden is growing tired, the beans are no longer as eager to produce and the pumpkin flowers have faded.

The boys and I went on a mini-holiday yesterday. We drove to Kingston to shop for clothes (even homeschool kids need new clothes) and of course, it included several stops along Lake Ontario, some serious fishing, and food. We also wandered around in the Cataraqui Town Centre for a while. American Eagle jeans were on for $20 which made for a happy 16 year old. Loonie milkshakes were part of the day too, twice. You need to live near a Reid's dairy to understand, but they make amazing, really cheap shakes that are so thick they require a spoon. We capped off the day by visiting the water front in Gananoque on the way home.

We were in awe of the beauty of God's world as we walked along the shores of Lake Ontario. So many wild flowers, bugs, birds, and of course, black rat snakes. Leave it to Patrick to find one right away. We were impressed too with how beautiful the worn rocks along the shore line were. Kind of like how God wears off our rough edges to make us more beautiful. As He molds and shapes us, the true beauty of Him in us shines through.

Here are some pictures to brighten your day.

Along the shoreline

Golden rod



Petunias along the St. Lawrence in Gananoque

Lovely color combo!

Patrick's 2 foot pike