Give me the summer....
Give me time to plunge deep into the river with my boys,
Give me hours to lay in the sunshine on a sandy beach.
Give me the summer....
Give me long hot car rides on days when the pavement glitters like glass,
Give me tall buildings overhead and museums.
Give me the summer....
Give me picnics and barbecues and reunions with old friends,
Give me family and solitudes.
Give me the summer.....
Give me devotional times out on the front step in the early morning,
Give me delicious grand babies and firefly evenings.
Give me the summer...
Give me long conversations and even longer books to read,
Give me tents and campfires.
Look for me in the fall. When the days grow shorter and the nights are colder,
When the school books come down off the shelf,
And the kitchen smells like stew,
I will blog again.